Top 5 Home Trends of 2022

It’s important to stay up to date with the trends as they change. How many times can we edit our online shopping carts when all we really want is a gorgeous home? Here are the top 5 home trends of 2022.

  1. Bringing the Outdoors In. Now this is probably the last thing you’d want to do with a New York winter season, but hear me out! Referred to as “biophilic design” bring nature into your home has been on the rise since the start of the pandemic and is at it’s best level right now in 2022. I think we can all agree that being shut inside for years on end, thanks to quarantine, increased our appreciation for the outdoors. Between having large windows for more natural light, or addin
    g in more plants for those with a green thumb, nature filled homes is what 2022 has been calling for.
  2. Luxe Outdoor Living. While bringing the outdoors in is a huge trend, bringing the indoors out has also been a huge trend this year. Enjoy the comfort of your backyard with outdoor kitchens, fireplaces, or even decked out decks. Enjoying some fresh air and nature outside of your home should never feel like a task or even gross. Even setting up an umbrella with a nice dining table and chairs is only of the most highly valued home trends for the outdoors in 2022.
  3. Multipurpose Living. Ever since we were forced to keep inside because of the pandemic, it is without a doubt that we need multipurpose living spaces. Our kitchens went from being just kitchens, to being our work space and school. The need for flexibility in our homes have stayed. To keep up with the trends, a great way to exercise this is by having an extra room. That room can be turned into a gym, office space, game room for the kids. You never know!
  4. Sustainability. Green is has overwhelmingly become the color of 2022. Not only do people want to have green in their house, but they want to feel green too. People have become more conscious of their environmental footprint and there has been an increase in need for more sustainable and energy efficient technology. Some ways you can turn your home green, is through solar panel installations, smart thermostats, and energy efficient windows.
  5. Maximalism. While minimalism while never go out of style, maximalism has been on the rise this year! Surround yourself with the things you love, even if they aren’t necessary. Knick knacks, comfy furnishing, extra decor! Not to mention this totally compliments the rise of the 70’s color scheme that’s been going on lately. It’s time to mix textures, patterns, materials and colors. Go all out!

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