Creating a Home Office

Do you have an empty room and not sure what to do with it? Turning into an office maybe? An office is essential if you are running a small business, or just need a quiet place to work in the comfort of your own home. With the closet space of your extra bedroom, you also have a place for storing office supplies.

Be sure that you are designing your office the way you need it to function, and how it will benefit you the most. If your goal is to have a simple room to be able to concentrate on work, go for a minimalist design with clean lines, white walls, and simple furniture.

If you know you’ll be spending long hours in your new office away from your office, make the best of it – and make it comfortable to be there. You can add a cozy chair, muted colors, and a big enough desk that allows you to stretch out. This way, you won’t even feel like you’re working.

If you are working in a creative field, a home office that fits your style will make you enjoy working because you’ll be inspired by your surroundings. As opposed to a simple room, add some large wall art, bold colors, loud furniture and speakers for music so you can get those creative juices flowing!

Whatever you choose to use your newly acquired extra room for, be sure to use proper lighting, shelving, desks and chairs. If you need help with creating your next room, call us at 212-837-8117 and we won’t disappoint!

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