1. Don’t Be Afraid To Knock Down Some Walls

Knocking down walls can be a great way to create more space. Although it may be risky, knocking down a wall could provide you the layout you need to make the most out of your apartment space

2. Open the Kitchen 

Several old buildings contain small kitchens and they very often are enclosed with walls surrounding all four sides. A kitchen in an apartment receives the most appeal when it serves as the centerpiece of the apartment. Your kitchen should draw everyone’s attention and have enough space to cater to all of your cooking needs. Even if you have a small apartment, a nice and spacious kitchen will give your apartment the aesthetic it needs. 

3. Shower or Tub? 

Although tubs are cozy and inviting after a long day of work, apartment owners tend to lean more towards showers because they seem to create more space. However, this is not always the case. Some apartments need a tub especially if the owners have children. If you hire a renovator, they will advise you on the best fit for your apartment but don’t try to make the decision on your own! Trust us and we will give you the best advice!

4. Think About The Closet Design 

Think about your closet! Although the importance of closets is often overlooked, closet space is essential for living in an apartment. You want to have enough space for all of your belongings. Built in closets are usually what apartment owners look for and need. Built in closets will relieve you of the hassle of creating your own closet space. They will also allow you the freedom to arrange the closet space accordingly without having to worry about the set up. 

5. Read The Alteration Agreement 

It is important to read the alteration agreement because you should be aware of all of the rules and regulations that are involved. Make sure you and your renovator are on the same page. Here at Golden I Construction, that will not be an issue! We will always be willing to go over every step of the process with you. 
Remember, it is your apartment and we want to make it the best it can be! For more tips and information about apartment renovations, visit